Role-Play Games for Kids

Role-play games are very popular among kids up to 12 year old. The faster you offer the games adults play the better.

If a child has come to you with a request to “play”, brought his/her favorite teddy bears or horses, even the look of which makes you sick and tired, do not get frustrated, use one of these ideas to quickly come up with a role-playing game.

Therapeutic Game

Take an issue which your child has recently faced with as a basis for your game.  For example, your child is afraid of spiders or insects. As an example, the most terrifying spider gets into trouble and is helpless and in danger, and your child with his teddy bear saves him. Well, how can you be afraid of someone you saved?

Mom’s Helper

Maybe there is something that you want to teach your baby. For example, wash your hands before meal or dressing up by him/herself. So just pretend play it.

Life Game

We just take life-based situations as a basis for the game. Maybe, you recently went to the exhibition, went for a visit,  or went to see an aquarium? What about if you walked in the woods, had a picnic? Maybe your kid went on a swing this afternoon? So play it! Invite friends to visit your child’s teddy bears, take the teddy bear to see fish that you put in a small box pretending it to be aquarium. Use your imagination! Pretend and keep up the conversation between the toys!

Preparation Game

This game will help you prepare your baby for the upcoming event. Whatever it is, a plane flight or a visit to the doctor, starting daycare or beginning school life, you can role-play it awakening the child’s interest and getting him ready for the event.

Fairy-tale or Rhyme-based Game

Very simple to implement and loved by the children idea. Just take your baby’s favorite rhyme, story or cartoon as a basis. An unbeatable success and a long-lasting game!

Occupation Games

It’s a good idea to help your child get familiar with different professions through a role-play.  As an example, your child’s teddy bear might be a veterinarian, and a favorite doll has a flower garden! Perhaps the dragon puts out fires, and the pig builds houses? Of course, do not forget to include a game about the doctor and a sport pro shop.

Journey Game

This game can be endless! You can select it on the map where to go, learn to read geographical names, plan routes, try national dishes … And all this without leaving the nursery.

School Game

Planning to teach your kid to read or count as this game can be a real success!  Make your child be a teacher while you and your child try to teach the stuffed animals to read and count the results will be unexpected!


No mater what you do, always try to be a part of your kids-play role while you create a bond of participation in their live.