How Speech Therapy Helps Kids Read and Write Better
As parents, your child’s academic success is a priority. In line with this, reading and writing are essential skills that form the foundation for it. Unfortunately, for many children these literacy skill areas can be challenging. This usually stems from speech and language difficulties. Speech therapy, Stouffville, is an important intervention to aid kids with these difficulties.
How does it work?
Speech therapy, Stouffville, helps kids with speech and language challenges read and write better. This starts with the speech therapist’s assessment. Individual children’s needs are evaluated in order to come up with a treatment plan specific to his or her needs.
Phonemic Awareness
These interventions usually include exercises for better phonemic awareness, or the hearing and manipulation of sounds in words. This is essential for reading and writing skills development. As a child masters phonics, he or she is also able to link the sounds to specific letters that makes decoding words easier.
Vocabulary Development
Additionally, in speech therapy, Stouffville, vocabulary is also developed. This, again, is an important part in reading, comprehension, and writing. This is because a child with an immense vocabulary enables them to better understand what they read. Furthermore, expressions in spoken and written words are also more effective in a child with a wide vocabulary. Usually, a speech therapist promotes this by including storytelling, visual aids, and interactive games in their sessions. These are tried and tested ways to support language skills and widen a child’s vocabulary.
Oral Language Skills
On top of having phonemic awareness and wide vocabulary, speech therapy, Stouffville, also improves oral language skills. Kids in these therapy sessions are provided with activities that promote practice of speech, understanding language, and listening. These core skills are associated with reading and writing because children must know how to talk first before being able to express themselves well in writing.
Writing Exercises
Moreover, writing exercises are added in by speech therapists in their sessions. This way, children are able to exercise their fine motor skills and letter formation. These are important physical aspects needed in writing. These literacy skills, once earned, not just improve academic performance, it also helps with the child’s self-confidence and social interaction.
Support your Child’s Literacy Development
Stouffville parents who are on a mission to support their child’s literacy development, speech therapy, Stouffville, is important. Hence, here at Speech Link, we offer this service. We first assess any underlying speech and language barrier then create a plan specific to the issues and goal. This eventually leads to marked improvement in their reading and writing.
Schedule a consultation today to get started!
Please call 416.666.9198.