Oral Facial Myofunctional Disorders (OMDs) are recognized as behaviors and patterns generated by incorrect muscle function and habits involving the tongue position, lips, and jaw.
Oral Facial Myofunctional Disorders (OMD) Symptoms and Signs
- tongue thrust
- thumb, finger, lip and tongue sucking habits
- inappropriate tongue resting posture
- speech distortion; particularly a frontal lisp
- chronic open mouth positioning
- dental abnormalities
Indications of Oral Facial Myofunctional Disorders
- It refers to abnormal chewing and swallowing patterns, blocked nasal airways, and, as a result, speech problems.
- OMD are patterns involving oral and/orofacial that interferes with normal growth and development.
- OMD are found in both children and adults. Noticeably, they are commonly seen in children include tongue thrust and known as swallowing.
- Also refers to factors such as thumb sucking, clenching, bruxing, etc.
- OMD in adult and geriatric population are due to various neurological impairments, oral hygiene's, etc.
- From the dental perspective, teeth move in relation to the balance of the soft tissue.
- It is known that tongue posture plays an important role in swallowing and dentofacial growth.
- In case of tongue thrust swallowing, the tip of the tongue can come against or between the dentition.
Oral Facial Myofunctional Disorders Treatment
Most treatment programs are individualized and focus on tongue and facial resting postures, swallowing, and speech articulation. Children often need help and encouragement from their family to practice prescribed exercises. The best results are achieved when parents work with their child on a daily basis.
Oral Facial Myofunctional Disorders Therapy
- This therapy detects, treats, and prevents disorders of muscle function of the face and mouth.
- It reestablishes strength, coordination and motion of the muscles of the face and mouth to improve such functions as chewing, swallowing, and speaking.